Another example of a dumb-as-dirt Dem.
No Sheila dear, the Moon is not a planet, but a natural satellite of the Earth, the only one in fact. Its singularity is why, in correct orthography, we write 'the Moon' and not 'the moon.' Jupiter has a number of moons, whereas the Earth has exactly one. Our moon is therefore properly referred to as 'the Moon.' And as you may have just now noticed, our home planet is properly referred to as 'the Earth,' not 'the earth.' And our sun, which the distinguished Congresswoman informs us is "a mighty powerful heat," is properly referred to as 'the Sun.' So-called 'journalists' take note.
Contrary to what Sheila thinks, the Moon is not made up mostly of gases. Nor is it a "complete-rounded circle" only when it is full. Does she perhaps think that the phases of the Moon are changes intrinsic to the Moon as opposed to changes in the way it appears to us? Does she think that the Moon is a two-dimensional object? Her talk of a circle suggests as much. May I suggest 'sphere' or even better 'spheroid'? Does she perhaps also think that the Moon is the source of its light? Is she aware that moonlight is reflected sunlight?
Please realize that when you vote for Democrats you are voting for people who, as a group, are not only morally inferior to Republicans, but also intellectually inferior as well. I am speaking of the contemporary Democrat party.
Story here.
Finally, what was the name of that black male pol who, if memory serves, opined that islands float and can sink?
Georgia congressman Hank Johnson thought Guam could sink if more people were on it.
Posted by: Joe Odegaard | Wednesday, April 10, 2024 at 05:29 PM
Yeah, that's the guy.
The Dems are a bunch top-heavy with ignoramuses and liars and clowns like Kamala, yet another 'person of color.'
Posted by: BV | Thursday, April 11, 2024 at 05:21 AM
I'm "a person of no color."
Posted by: Joe Odegaard | Thursday, April 11, 2024 at 07:24 AM
Speaking of things made up mostly of gas...
Posted by: Gary Huber | Thursday, April 11, 2024 at 09:48 AM
Anyone who identifies by color is an idiot right out of the box. In any case, race is not skin color; otherwise there would be no racial difference between some blacks and some people from India.
Prejudice against blacks is not based on their color but on their behavior, linguistic (e.g., saying stupid things) and non-linguistic (e.g., carjacking).
I am Italian, so I am a person of color too. I demand reparations! I demand positions for which I am not qualified!
I am more oppressed than you Joe, since you have some Nordic blood in you. You need to pay me reparations.
Posted by: BV | Thursday, April 11, 2024 at 10:04 AM
Well said, Gary. She be a gasbag o' color!
Posted by: BV | Thursday, April 11, 2024 at 10:05 AM
Can I pay with spaghetti?
I have a lot of it down here in the catacomb.
Posted by: Joe Odegaard | Thursday, April 11, 2024 at 12:43 PM
But can you boil water down there? Is your catacomb vented?
Posted by: BV | Friday, April 12, 2024 at 12:02 PM
I have lots of moon gas down here when the moon is full, and a moon gas range.
Posted by: Joe Odegaard | Friday, April 12, 2024 at 07:54 PM