In May of 2017, I wrote:
The USA cannot help but be a multi-racial society, but if we cannot agree on a common culture for public purposes with English as its official language and the values of the founding documents as its foundation, then the end is in sight. But collapse takes time and those of us in our mid-60s, assuming we don't live too long, should be able to weather the storm without too much stress.
I am less sanguine now; things are far worse.
One problem is that we lack the collective will to demand the assimilation without which even legal immigration is a recipe for Balkanization. Any sane person who does not intend the destruction of our republic should be able to see that the values of Sharia are incompatible with American values, and that no Muslims should be allowed to immigrate who are unwilling to accept and honor our values. There is no right to immigrate, and immigration must be to the benefit of the host country.
But the problem just mentioned is minor compared to the problem that we don't even have the 'logically prior' collective will to enforce reasonable laws and put a stop to illegal immigration and the flouting of Federal immigration law by so-called 'sanctuary' cities and other jurisdictions. First, stop illegal immigration, then worry about assimilation in connection with legal immigration.
This unlikely to happen even if Trump gets a second term.
Once more: improper entry into the country is already a violation of the criminal code. When the mayor of a great city, New York, refuses to deport illegal aliens who commit such serious felonies as driving while intoxicated, then you know that there is precious little common ground left.
We cannot agree on this? Then what can we agree on?
We conservatives can blame ourselves to some extent. We lost ourselves in our private lives while the destructive Left had its way.
Paradoxically, our appreciation that the political is a limited sphere has left us at a disadvantage over against leftists for whom the political is the only sphere.
This is an ingredient in what I call The Conservative Disadvantage.
"This unlikely to happen even if Trump gets a second term."
I agree, because so much intentional damage has been done to the social and political foundation of the Republic by this massive invasion of our country by illegal immigrants that it is hard to see how it can be undone. The numbers involved are staggering. If we accept, just for the sake of argument, the figure of 11.5 illegal immigrants, although apparently something like 22 million is more accurate, the deportation program promised by Trump, if he is elected, would have to remove just over 55,000 illegals a week in each of the 208 weeks of his four-year presidency. Leaving aside the inevitable and interminable legal challenge, including repeated nation-wide injunctions by “progressive judges, by the Left and a variety of widespread extra-legal initiatives—violent and non-violent-- to shield these persons, along with an incessant media campaign against it, the logistics alone are staggering. Just consider the scores of aircraft that would be required to deport the fraction of the weekly total that arrived from very distant foreign nations. Overland transport by train or bus would also be daunting, requiring hundreds of cars and vehicles, all under guard. Then we have to imagine the resistance of the corrupt, leftist Mexican state to receiving great numbers of its own citizens and those from Central Americans that crossed its territory.
Faced with a far less daunting task in the 1950s, the Eisenhower administration managed to deport 1.3 million Mexicans, but this occurred with the cooperation of the Mexican government, which faced a labor shortage, and without the legal and civil obstacles that an anti-American Left would mount today. While a unified counter-revolutionary party with a firm hold on the federal state could probably still manage to clear many of these persons from our soil, we do not possess such a party; indeed, since the Republican Party is already fractured on this issue, the opponents of deportation will arise within its ranks to bolster the fight of the Left.
Posted by: Vito B. Caiati | Tuesday, April 02, 2024 at 08:34 AM
Spot on, Vito. Trump may talk of deportation, but even if he is elected it will be too little too late, and resistance will be massive. The RCC is part of the problem. It is bent on cultural suicide, and can be expected to shelter illegals.
And it will not be able to stop the anti-(Judeo-Christian-Graeco-Roman) juggernaut headed our way.
The Leftist-Islamist Axis is ruthless and extremely crafty in using our virtues against us. No effective resistance can be expected from the Republicans unless they purge every RINO from their ranks. But that won't happen.
Consider Mike Johnson, lovable, likeable, rooted in principle, but worthless in a political gunfight. He's a 'nice guy' type who belongs to the past along with Romney, and Pence, and the lovable, late, Joe Lieberman. A lethal threat must be countered with a lethal response. Appeals to conscience and reason avail nothing.
Contrast Pelosi and Johnson. Pelosi literally shredded the text of Trump's SOTU address. Johnson did not shred the text of Biden's SOTU.
Why not? Should he have? Tell me what you think, Vito.
Posted by: BV | Tuesday, April 02, 2024 at 10:39 AM
The useful idiots may eventually wake up, but by then it will be too late. We are a decadent people rendered weak, decadent, comfortable, and somnolent by our wealth and success. We are loathe to face reality.
If there is an upside to our collapse it will consist of driving home the point that this world is not the end-all and be-all and in inspiring us to spend the time left, most of it, preparing for eternity. Still, we should do our bit here below.
Posted by: BV | Tuesday, April 02, 2024 at 11:06 AM
“Johnson did not shred the text of Biden's SOTU.
Why not? Should he have? Tell me what you think, Vito.
I think the more effective reaction would have been to emulate the behavior of French or Italian parliamentarians, who have no hesitation to shout, jump to their feet, shake fists, and gather in gangs in the aisles, assailing a speaker with whom they strongly disagree, particularly one like Biden whose speech was nothing more than a sting of lies and calumnies. Instead, except for Marjorie Taylor Greene and one or two other politicians, the entire Republican congressional and senatorial delegations remained courteously in their seats, I suppose out of some notion of respect for the leading institution of the Republic, the presidency, even when it had been thoroughly debased by the party and the man currently holding that office. Biden should have been vocally and loudly challenged in the chamber each time he fabricated facts and events, creating as much noise as possible, a bruhaha that reflected the real cultural and political division in the nation; instead, the Republicans reinforced the myth, propagated every day by the Left, that all was well with the constitutional system of the founders and that those who vehemently insist otherwise are “enemies of democracy.” Too much of the Republican Party is still essentially fearful and disdainful of the people who vote for it and look to it for the nation’s salvation.
Posted by: Vito B. Caiati | Tuesday, April 02, 2024 at 11:59 AM
Yes, we could use some of that French/Italian hotheadedness.
I had an idea: Internal Deportation in addition to, or in lieu of, the 'ordinary' kind. The idea is that Texas, say, refuses to tolerate the presence of illegal aliens, and ships them to some 'sanctuary' jurisdiction, say, uh, New Jersey!
Posted by: BV | Tuesday, April 02, 2024 at 03:12 PM
Thanks, Bill. As long as they stay in the northern part of NJ and not down south here, which is largely Trump country, that would be fine with me.
I raised this question with my sister, who agrees with us on the deportation issue, but she believes, and I think that she may be right on this, that Trump would have a greater chance to close the border or at least to limit greatly the numbers coming over it. Do you agree?
Posted by: Vito B. Caiati | Tuesday, April 02, 2024 at 03:57 PM
I agree with your sister that Trump could slow the illegal flow to a trickle. But the ones already here will be procreating like mad, while decadent whitey slacks off procreatively. By current law, anyone born here is automatically a citizen.
Even if the border were sealed tonight, a disaster is upon us for decades to come. What fools don't want to admit is that immigrants bring their culture (or anti-culture) with them.
Posted by: BV | Tuesday, April 02, 2024 at 07:04 PM