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Thursday, April 11, 2024


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Funny! Clever! Unexpected too! Kudos! Enough exclamations!

A few more jokes of that kind:
Rene Descartes walks into a bar. The bartender asks him, "Hey Rene, do you want your usual?" Descartes replies "No, I think not", and disappears in a puff of logic.
William Shakespeare walks into a bar. The bartender tells him, "Get out of here! You're Bard".
A neutron walks into a bar and asks "How much for a beer?" The reply is "For you, no charge".

I remember some of these from the old Facebook days! Very HUMEorous (sensational, he might say). I remember coming up with Rummy Brague and Bloody Marion (saturated by preference). Antonio Negroni?

How about:

Thales only orders water.

Nagarjuna walks into a bar but it's empty.

Nishida walks into a bar and orders absolutely nothing.

Andrew and Hector,

Good ones!

An atom walks into a bar looking glum. Bartender: Whatsamatta pal? Atom: I lost my electrons. 'Tender: Are you sure? Atom: I'M POSITIVE!

As for Nishida, my undergrad teacher John Maraldo has a SEP article on him: https://plato.stanford.edu/entries/nishida-kitaro/


What did Maraldo teach you? I've only come across him in connection to Japanese philosophy. Have you read much Nishida?


I took a course on the Pre-Socrates from him, and one on phenomenology. He earned a doctorate from the U of Munich in 1970 with a dissertation on the hermeneutical circle in Schleiermacher, Dilthey, and Heidegger. He had a one-year job in the States and then took off for Japan.

As for Nishida, I have one of his books. I've read a little. But I am not sure wading through his vague and mushy prose is worth the effort.

Japanese philosophers often seem to be 'vague and mushy' in the Continental vein, rather like the French (but far less pretentious). It's something to do with the language I think, it's very easy to be ambiguous in Japanese, which makes it a great vehicle for poetry and koans but perhaps not so good for analytic precision.

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