I especially liked the section on the Boomer nuns of Benedictine College who were not happy with the Butker speech and are described as crotchety farbissinas.
A farbissina, I take it, is a person who is farbissiner, a Yiddish word that means sullen, mean, embittered, of a sour disposition.
Women like these “nuns” are found everywhere in the Roman Catholic Church and are instrumental in normalizing and propagating doctrinal confusion and, often, material heresy, since, like all those infected by modernist/leftist thought, they regard the “truths” of the moment—feminism, religious indifferentism, open borders, non-essentialist sexuality--that is the ruling decadent, inherently anti-Christian ideologies of late capitalism, as self-evident. They are generally abysmally catechized in and disdainful of the Deposit of Faith that defined Roman Catholicism for twenty centuries before Vatican II, and form part of the massive fifth column, allied to the Global Left, that has seized control of the leading institutions, including the papacy, of the Church. The truth of this observation is reflected in the smug denunciation by these women of the perfectly orthodox commencement speech of Harison Butker: “We reject a narrow definition of what it means to be Catholic. We are faithful members of the Catholic Church who embrace and promote the values of the Gospel, St. Benedict, and Vatican II and the teachings of Pope Francis.” For these devious fools “narrow” is defined as what is simply “orthodox.” Consequently, they are indifferent to the fact that “the values” of the Gospel and St. Benedict, that is, those that uphold a strict, absolutist, divinely ordained morality, which demands radical repentance, metanoia, as the price of salvation, are contradicted by those of Bergoglio, who along with consciously sowing doctrinal confusion and material heresy for the past decade, advocates moral relativism, in contradiction to the teachings of Christ and the magisterium. Of course, the fact that he is, in addition, a notorious protector of a gang of sexual predators, including the monster Rupnik, rapist of nuns and defiler of the Eucharist, is unimportant to these harpies, since what counts, as with all lefties, is ideology and power.
Posted by: Vito B. Caiati | Thursday, May 23, 2024 at 06:08 AM
Spot on, Vito.
These 'nuns' are lefitsts first and Catholics second, if at all, just like the man they adore, the benighted Bergoglio.
That he is indeed benighted comes out in the recent 60 Minutes interview: https://www.reuters.com/world/us/pope-francis-says-us-catholic-conservatives-have-suicidal-attitude-2024-05-16/
Dennis Prager has his number, as we see from this column: https://dennisprager.com/column/the-pope-and-the-hammer-and-sickle
Unfortunately, Prager goes on to make the mistake of calling Leftism a religion.
Posted by: BV | Thursday, May 23, 2024 at 09:55 AM
I have another badge of honor now !
Here's the list; the new one is at the bottom —
• Bitter
• Clinging to guns
• Clinging to religion
• Deplorable
• Irredeemable
• Semi-fascist
• Insurrectionist
• Suicidal.
And Pope Francis surely belongs right at home in the group of people who gave me the first six honors.
Way to go, Popey-wopey !
Posted by: Joe Odegaard | Thursday, May 23, 2024 at 07:23 PM
Also of interest, though insufficiently harsh against Bergoglio the Termite: https://www.realclearreligion.org/articles/2024/05/24/why_is_pope_francis_criticizing_catholic_conservatives_1033772.html
Posted by: BV | Saturday, May 25, 2024 at 04:04 AM
Here too, a piece "not sufficiently critical" but which shows the extent to which the official Roman Church has become an ally of the Global Left: https://www.thecatholicthing.org/
"Apostasy from the faith severs man from God altogether..., which is not the case in any other sin" (Aquinas, ST II-II, q. 12, a. 1, ad. 3).
Posted by: Vito B. Caiati | Saturday, May 25, 2024 at 05:36 AM
Here is a question I would put to Thomas Aquinas: How narrowly do you define "the faith"? So narrowly as to exclude the best of the Protestants and the best of the Eastern Orthodox?
By the way, Mr Amazon delivered unto me, yesterday, with his usual alacrity, Vladimir Lossky, *The Mystical Theology of the Eastern Church.* I have been devouring it. Rich and fascinating. I will never become a Protestant, for reasons I will explain later, but I might head East.
Posted by: BV | Saturday, May 25, 2024 at 09:38 AM
Francis would put "Seven Storey Mountain" on the index.
Posted by: Joe Odegaard | Saturday, May 25, 2024 at 09:41 AM
I have headed East in spirit, though I am certain that I will not investigate it as thoroughly as you will, Bro Bill, with your philosophical bent. I look forward to anything you might want to say about Eastern Orthodoxy.
Posted by: Joe Odegaard | Saturday, May 25, 2024 at 11:27 AM
Thanks, Joe. I'll try to summarize some of Lossky's main points. Protestantism to me is off-putting because it is anti-monastic and anti-mystical. That cannot be said of Eastern Orthodoxy.
Posted by: BV | Saturday, May 25, 2024 at 07:37 PM