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Saturday, May 04, 2024


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Congratulations, Bill! And thanks.

Thanks, Malcolm. Did you see Maqrk Levin tonight with Leo Terrell and VDH? I know you don't like Levin's radio show but his Sat and Sun night Fox performances are usually excellent.

Thank you again, Bill, for the intellectual and spiritual nourishment that you have provided to me for much of this journey.

Spero per altri vent'anni!


Congrats from the Ostrich

Malcolm said it just right: congratulations and thanks Bill!

Thank you, gentlemen!

Vito: anch'io!

I'll add my $.02. It won't cover what I've received from getting to read your blog these last 12 years or so since discovering you, but I cannot let this milestone go by without joining the chorus of gratitude. You add value and do so gratis! Thank you, Maverick Philosopher!

Congratulations, Bill.

Where did the decades go? I anticipated your 20th when I celebrated mine in January: AnthonyFlood.com: An Emerald Anniversary Retrospective. Neither of us could have predicted what would transpire in the intervening years or what positions we'd take. (Well, maybe you could have (:^D)).



I just re-read for the second or third time your meaty retrospective. One of the things that attracted me to your inaugural site years ago was your presentation of the work of currently neglected philosophers, a few of whom I learned about first from you, John Deck, for example.

I hope to revisit some of our early debates, as time permits, in particular the one concerning philosophy and misosophy.

More to say, but gotta go. Old Sol is about to appear and the mountain bike beckons.

Congratulations, Bill. I always enjoy your posts--the political camaraderie and the intellectual challenge. May they long continue!

Congrats, Bill!

Ed and Karl,

Thank you for reading!

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