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Wednesday, June 26, 2024


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Thanks Bill. I'll wait for your response to Cottingham.

On a side note, while the price of the book is clearly aimed at niche readership I have no problem with it. Personally I am surprised at how easily people shell out thousands on quickly forgettable entertainment, drinks or food but bulk at spending even a dime on books about eternally important and/or intriguing questions.

On another side note I was expecting to see a post on yesterday's presidential debate. I didn't watch it, just a few short bits demonstrating Biden's Brezhnev like cognitive state, but Jon Stewart's take on it was quite something...


Forgive my pedantry, but the word is 'balk' (American English), 'baulk' (British English).

But I do agree with your main point.

I'll put up something about the 'debate.' I watched about half of it. The consensus of the pundits seems to be that Sleepy Joe got slaughtered.


It is these posts, besides the other ones where you demonstrate a deep and sensitive poetic soul and an incisive philosophical vigor, that keep me coming back. They are a gift so freely given and I am always grateful for them, they keep me grounded in the right way. Thank you.


Thank you for your kind words.

My post didn't strike you as a wee bit self-congratulatory?


As I have learned from my own life experience, we are sometimes our own publicists and cheerleaders, and in matters of genuine (self-)happiness, that can only ever come from our varieties of self-belief. They define the tone, horizon and the vision that guides our life. And, often enough, there is always some variable amount of self-deception. This is not a bug but a feature. Perhaps this is part of the Grace we are given, one we regularly misuse, but which we use to muddle through this sub-lunar sojourn.

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