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Saturday, June 15, 2024


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Even without learned Dershowitz's help it is crystal clear that Dems use US law for political purposes. Everyone sees that & it will damage Dems in the elections unless something currently unforeseeable happens. But this Dershowitz's claim is just a poetic exaggeration "So Bragg went a dangerous step further than Stalin ever did: he made up a crime." Stalin and his pupil Putin will not be overdone in appropriating law book to their ends.

>> Everyone sees that & it will damage Dems in the elections unless something currently unforeseeable happens.

I hope that the Dems' lawfare does damage them, but surely not everyone sees that it will. Probably half the country is OK with it.

You missed Dershowitz's point about Stalin. His point was not that Bragg is worse than Stalin in terms of total harm inflicted, but that Bragg did something Stalin never did: make up a crime. Or do you have evidence that the man of steel did make up crimes?


This important article by Niall Ferguson will interest you I am sure: https://www.thefp.com/p/were-all-soviets-now

No I didn't miss the point about Stalin, it wasn't that subtle. Here just one example of making up laws as it suits him -- a link on Stalin's law on the very day the rising star Kirov was murdered: https://soviethistory.msu.edu/1934-2/the-kirov-affair/the-kirov-affair-texts/decree-following-kirovs-murder/

I have no doubt that there are some people among your readers who, using their preferred 'logic', would claim after reading this document "But Stalin didn't sign it, so he has nothing to do with it". Topical insanity you say...

Thanks for Ferguson's link. He is an historian worth listening to unlike Irving and, at times, AJP Taylor.

KGB ruled behind Brezhnev's living corpse in exactly the same way Bragg & the radical wing of Dem establishment rules behind Biden's. It is indeed obvious to anyone familiar with both situations. But Ferguson has a gift for writing about these things in the right way.

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