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Monday, June 03, 2024


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To fix everything Hanson mentions will require the application of physical force, I'm afraid. But such application has worked before (1776 - 1783 ).

I am still surprised by the number of people who thought that this was a good idea, and don't realize how it will come back to hurt them (let alone American standing in the world)


The neocon notion that America is in a position to teach 'democracy' to the benighted tribalists of the Middle East and elsewhere has been blown all to hell. We are now in no position to teach anyone anything.


Let's do our best to work for political solution. The election of Trump is our only hope. Recourse to the extrapolitical remains, however, on the table as the last resort. But stay gray for the time being.

Our first civil war was between the revolutionaries and the loyalists. I can recommend a good book on this if you are interested.



The dream is that Trump wins, fires thousands of evil people, and then the left sees errors of its ways, and they all meekly become humble cloistered nuns and monks, and we all have pic-nicks in the parks all summer long from 2025 on out. That would be fine with me. I'll have a hamburger and a coke, and lie in the grass, on a beach towel. It could happen.

And Yes, send me the name of that book. I'm currently re-reading Merton's Seven Storey Mountain along with my sister Mary, and, I think, Bro Inky. I admit I am reading it partly for escape. But then I just finished reading "Flight to Arras" by Saint - Exupery. Harrowing, and full of insights. Have you read it? It's not a long book. Published 1942.


Liberty's Exiles: https://www.amazon.com/Libertys-Exiles-American-Loyalists-Revolutionary/dp/1400075475

No death here. Not even close.

I heard Mark Levin soliloquy at length on this.

This was this week on Mark Levin's daily radio show.

writ this, writ that etc
The evil legal fraternity has ruined the 'toys' (as they see things for what it is worth in their twisted minds) they have access to.

But Levin referenced rarely used but very powerful and established legal avenues that can be used to throw all the present garbage straight into the dumpster.

All the best good folks,

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