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Monday, June 17, 2024


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Arguably, this is already happening.

Keep an eye on France. Millions of French will not countenance a win by Marine Le Pen’s National Rally in the upcoming parliamentary elections. If the NR forms the next government, the potential for leftist violence is real. There have already been violent “anti-fascist” street demonstrations. The French left is no mood of giving Le Pen’s forces permission to govern. There’s a parallel here with the situation in the US.


Did you tell me that you have a daughter studying in France? If yes, then you have a 'war correspondent' 'on the ground.'

In relation to this topic, see how the Left is jacking itself up to fever pitch in this article:


I am not optimistic that we can avoid going hot.

Thanks for the link, Joe. The psycho-political projection is amazing to behold:

>>Following his historic felony conviction in New York for election interference, the former president has become even more dangerous.<<

These leftist scumbags, who actually and provably engage in election interference against Trump, project this behavior into Trump who by no sane standard engaged in election interference with his NDA.

So I am going to coin a phrase to describe these mendacious bastards: VINCIBLE DELUSIONALITY modelled on VINCIBLE IGNORANCE. For a definition of the latter, see here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vincible_and_invincible_ignorance.

The shitheads of Salon and not just Salon are vincibly delusional, and thus culpably delusional. They need to be morally condemned.

I also recently coined the phrase, SECOND-ORDER PROJECTION. We rightly accuse our political enemies of projection. Nancy Pelosi in a recent speech projected the Left's projectionism into us. An example of first-order projection is the Left's projection of election interference into Trump. They do that to avoid owning up to the election interference that they themselves engage in, such as attempting to keep Trump off the ballot. SECOND-ORDER PROJECTION occurs when a leftist projects his projectionism into us in order to avoid facing the projection that they themselves engage in.

Here it comes, in France anyway:


Mr. Soriano's comment is right on.

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