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Wednesday, July 24, 2024


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Hi Bill,

Would you say, Heidegger been a long-time motivation for a lot of your philosophical study?

I have been ruminating and doing various reading on existence, that article by Cottingham (What is Existence?) was very orienting, and your comment conversation was Dmitri was very useful to me. Another work that was useful to me that I came across is Richard Velkley's, "Heidegger, Strauss and the Premises of Philosophy."

There is something else that arose here too in connection with Heidegger and Strauss and thinking about how Plato, Socrates and Aristotle think about society, reality and what we are, and then how that is received in the intervening centuries, and whether we have lost a historical thread of what a human being is, as opposed to the more philosophical/analytic concept of a person a la rational agent. This implicates the tensions that you highlight between Athens and Jerusalem (consider: the Jews as a creedal people, i.e. a chosen people, see: Philip Rieff, "Triumph of the Therapeutic" and "Charisma, the Gift of Grace and How It has Been Taken Away from Us"; also the discussion you raised with Islam and the subsequent comment discussion about the contrasts with Christianity), and ultimately the "mythology" that tells us who we are, what we are and how we figure into the World. And thus understanding that this is really deep as it addresses the most fundamental questions of values and the things that ground our self-understanding, the present scene of the World starts making sense in its various incongruities and political tensions and conflicts.

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