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Wednesday, July 31, 2024


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late 14c., variant of errant (q.v.); at first merely derogatory, "wandering, vagrant;" then (16c.) gradually losing its opprobrious force and acquiring a meaning "thoroughgoing, downright, notorious."
also from late 14c.

mid-14c., "traveling, roving," from Anglo-French erraunt, from two Old French words that were confused even before they reached English: 1. Old French errant, present participle of errer "to travel or wander," from Late Latin iterare, from Latin iter"journey, way," from root of ire "to go" (from PIE root *ei- "to go"); 2. Old French errant, past participle of errer (see err). The senses fused in English 14c., but much of the sense of the latter since has gone with arrant.
also from mid-14c.

Thanks for that.

But my point is that the PHRASE 'errant nonsense' is non-standard and reflects poorly on the author. The correct phrase is 'arrant nonsense,' and this despite the semantic proximity of the two ADJECTIVES.

The last sentence in the second entry above helps make my point: "but much of the sense of the latter since has gone with arrant."

Here is another example. One now encounters the non-standard 'bold-faced lie' when the correct phrase is 'bare-faced lie.' Boldface is a type font. The meaning comes through either way, but the first phrase reflects poorly on the one who writes it or says it.

Pace Obama, change is not eo ipso good; only change for the better is.

Call me a pedant, call me a traditionalist, call me the Language Nazi!

Call me any name you like

I will never deny it

Farewell Angelina

The sky is erupting

I must go where it’s quiet.

Bob Dylan, circa 1965


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