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Saturday, July 20, 2024


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I’m surprised The Band haven’t been ‘cancelled’ yet! A glorious song.

It is a wonderful piece of Americana quite apropos at the moment what with hillbilly J. D. Vance as Veep pick. That four of the Band members are Canadians adds to the song's interest. It is indeed a glorious song. I say that as someone who is glad the South was defeated and the Union preserved. But I have utter contempt for the leftist swine who topple statues to great men such as Robert E. Lee and who will not allow that there is anything good about Southern heritage.

Part of the moral incoherence of the Left is that they will admit that slavery is a moral abomination but not that abortion is as well even though it is arguable that abortion is worse than slavery: abortion terminates innocent human life; slavery doesn't.

Why the double standard? The answer seems pretty obvious in terms of 'skin in the game.' Leftists have no skin in the slavery game (except for the really depraved ones who buy sex slaves from the drug cartels and human traffickers), but they do have plenty of skin in the abortion game given their refusal to control their inordinate sexual appetites. What little moral sense leftists have is very easily suborned by their lusts.

Marian Anderson sings My Country 'Tis of Thee, at the Lincoln Memorial April, 1939. The Daughters of the American Revolution wouldn't let her sing at Constitution Hall, so Eleanor Roosevelt invited her to sing at the Lincoln Memorial. This is famous and glorious, and it "un-checks" all the current leftist boxes, a black lady singing a patriotic song about America, so enjoy ! And in the second link Marian Anderson sings Deep River; watch her face as she connects directly to the Creator.



Fanfare for the Common Man (Copeland). Marine Band.


No Freedom, really unless it is for all.

Oh man, how could this list not have this ?

Janis Joplin


"Freedom's just another word for nothin' left to lose"

Good pick, Joe. A Kris Kristofferson tune.

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