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Tuesday, August 27, 2024


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Advice from a Russian: Americans, never give up your guns. (link)


Thanks, Joe. Good advice. You cannot reason with an evil-doer nor appeal to his conscience. It is solely our ability to kill them that can stop them, not that any morally decent person wants EVER to kill a human being.

But as Jordan Peterson might say, "A good man is not a weak man, but a strong man who is ever the master of his shadow." That is not a quotation from Peterson, but the sort of Jungian thing I would expect him to say.

It's a razor's edge we must tread. While striving assiduously, and indeed prayerfully, to avoid the near occasion of violent confrontation by the exercise of situational awareness, we must be prepared at a moment's notice, and without hesitation, to meet a deadly threat with a deadly response in defense of the life and liberty of oneself and others.

Dmitri, is the history accurate?

These days are the most dangerous, yet the most hopeful, that I have ever seen. I am in my 75th year.

More dangerous than hopeful, what with half of the population suffering from TDS. Just now heard that scumbag James Carville opining how RFK Jr should be locked up in a rubber room.

Carville and those like him would have been challenged to duels in ages past. I shall stop with this simple observation, but I could say more.

True, but if RFK Jr were to lose his life in a duel with that junkyard attack dog over something as ephemeral and ultimately meaningless as an insult to his 'honor,' it would be ridiculous. That's roughly Schopenhauer's view and mine as well. And yet dueling did do something to raise the civic tone, I imagine.

Yes, It would raise the tone. It could be re-instituted at a safer level, say with boxing gloves, and quickly timed rounds. I would love to see RFK Jr, who is buff, and Carville go at it.

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