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Thursday, November 07, 2024


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It's only Democracy if the Left wins: From Kutner's article:

"Democracy was already seriously debased even before Trump’s appalling victory. "

I could comment further, but I would be using swear words.

Who could be weak-minded enough to read such an article and agree with it?

The Democrat's are not only attacking white men, but are now slandering Latinos. Nikole Hannah-Jones, the creator of the 1619 Project believes a major reason Trump won is because Latinos are racist. The author claims "anti-Blackness is deeply embedded in Latino cultures." Morning Joe claimed Democrats "need to be honest" that "it's not just misogyny from white men, but misogyny from Hispanic men" and "a lot of Hispanic voters have problems with black candidates." The Democrats can't believe that 46% of Latino voters voted for Trump. Their only response is to call them all racist.

Race-delusionality on stilts. Will this madness ever end?

I just had an idea for a bumper sticker, one too subtle to provoke a rear-ending from a Kamalist:

1619? 1984!

Catacomb Joe is old enough to remember this one:

AuH2O64 (the '2' needs subscripting)

But I say unto you, my friends, in my patented SIXHRB code: AuPb24

Another attempt at being punny: What comes between 45 and 47? Zero!

Bro Bill, I also remember the competing bumper sticker from long ago, and it was:

Au H2O Pu

Even then, those were better days. The Mass was in Latin, the Priest faced God, and there was no artificially chummy handshake. If I had a time machine, I'd go back. But we can only go forward.

We only have these times we're living in:


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