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Thursday, December 12, 2024


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Indeed, these are all encouraging trends, and while the term “historic moment” is too often bandied about, I think that it we a living through one right now. Had we lost, the immense damage done to the nation at home and abroad in the last four years under the America-hating regime of the Left would have been furthered to such an extent that recovery might not have been possible. Now we have a chance to regain something of what we have lost, but this will only be possible if we move forward under the banner of counter-revolution. I sense that Trump and those advising him are aware of this fact and that the illusions and mistakes of the first term will not be repeated. Decisive, unrelenting, ruthless strikes at the power of the Left in the federal state and at the destructive programs and ideologies that it has insinuated there, including in the armed forces and the service academies, and throughout the leading institutions of civil society, from the universities to the media, are required, and Roger Kimball and Christopher F. Rufo have some excellent proposals for the new president to follow immediately upon assuming office:




>>Now we have a chance to regain something of what we have lost, but this will only be possible if we move forward under the banner of counter-revolution. I sense that Trump and those advising him are aware of this fact and that the illusions and mistakes of the first term will not be repeated.<<

Trump is a quick study and he learned the lessons of his first term, as witness his outstanding cabinet picks. Diversity and inclusion in the best senses of those terms.

But the fight is just beginning. We all need to do our bit to punch back hard against our vicious political enemies who, nattering nabobs of negativism and indeed nihilism that they are, will do anything to sabotage his agenda.

Trivia question: Who wrote the line "nattering nabobs of negativism" and who delivered it in a speech?

Patrick J. Buchanan wrote that alliterative line for Nixon's infamous 1st VP, Spiro T. Agnew.

Prof. Allen,

You got it!

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