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Sunday, January 12, 2025


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Kurt Schlichter, who essentially agrees with you, offers a somberly realistic appraisal of the political consequences of this leftist orchestrated disaster, "There's No Bottom for Blue California" (https://townhall.com/columnists/kurtschlichter/2025/01/13/there-is-no-bottom-for-blue-california-n2650357).
The essence of his argument:

“Now, you need to understand that experiencing the true fallout of government incompetence is not something that the kind of people who live in Pacific Palisades often experience. Instead, they are usually insulated from the consequences of their choices. Do you think bums, losers, and scumbags wander around in Pacific Palisades like they do in the rest of LA?... But now the fires have come, and you think they might care about it, but they won’t care about it for long. They’ll get over it. They’re going to cry and complain a little bit about Governor Hairstyle and Mayor Dumb Bass, and then on Election Day, they’re going to look at their ballots, and they’re going to mark somebody with a D.

It’s not that they can’t learn. They’re not stupid in the sense that they don’t understand that the people they’re voting for are blithering idiots. It’s that human nature prevents them from accepting the fact that they’ve been wrong so that they can change. They are emotionally invested in the liberal project that they grew up in, and to vote against it now would require introspection and an admission that everything they believed in was baloney. Most of them can’t do that. Most of them won’t do that. And nothing’s going to change.”


P.S. “L’homme ... ne veut pas qu’on lui dise la vérité. .... Et toutes ces dispositions si éloignées de la justice et de la raison, ont une racine naturelle dans son cœur” [Man ... does not want to be told the truth.... And all these dispositions so far from justice and reason, have a natural root in his heart] Pascal, Pensées, “L’amour-propre.”


Me again. A must read by VDH on the root causes of these fires: https://amgreatness.com/2025/01/13/woke-dei-green-nihilism-dresden-in-california/


Thanks, Vito.

You don't want to end up on the wrong end of Schlichter's invective. I wish I had come up with "Governor Hairstyle" and "Mayor Dumb Bass." Brilliant! Better than Trump's crude and cheap "Newscum."

But mockery, sophisticated or crude, must be another weapon in our armamentarium, to put an Alinskyite point in my own way.

The noisome Newsom is to California as Justin Trudeau is to Canada. Two stylish pretty boys without substance. A duplicitous duo. Trump the opposite: substance without style, or at least without a pleasing style. Trump leaves style to his wife. He knows how to delegate. That partially explains why his cabinet picks are so good. He's inarticulate; Vivek is super-articulate. Trump knows how to find allies who complement him. He's rich; Vance is (or was) poor as the Appalachian dirt whence he sprang.

Let's hope that Newsom suffers Trudeau's fate. 'Unctuous' is another adjective that qualifies Newsom.

I heard he's the nephew of dingbat Pelosi. If that's right, it figures.

Newsom was Mayor of San Francisco, & he made an early-carrier political splash there by "marrying" "gay" "couples," and he earned the nickname "Any-twosome Newsom."

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