People are suckers for Critical Race Theory (CRT) because they cannot think critically.
A key word in the CRT arsenal is 'equity.' ('Arsenal' is the right word given the Left's weaponization of language.) It is an Unbegriff, an unconcept. It combines something good with something unattainable except by the toleration of grave evils. Let me explain.
'Equity' sounds good and so people are thoughtlessly for it. It is like 'social justice' in this respect. They don't realize that leftists, semantic distortionists nonpareil, have hijacked a legitimate word so as to make it refer to equality of outcome. Being uncritical, people don't appreciate that there is an important difference between equality in its formal senses -- equality before the law, equality of opportunity, equality in respect of political/civil rights, etc. -- and equality of outcome or result. Formal equality is an attainable good. Material equality is unattainable because of group differences. To achieve material or non-formal equality, equality of outcome, the means employed would be worse than the supposed cure.
Given undeniable group differences, 'equity' does not naturally arise; hence the only way to achieve 'equity' is by unjustly taking from the productive and giving to the unproductive. The levellers would divest the makers of what is rightfully theirs to benefit the undeserving takers. 'Equity' is unjust! It is unjust to deny a super-smart Asian or Jew a place in an MIT engineering program because of a racial/ethnic quota. Judging candidates by merit and achievement, however, naturally leads to the disproportional representation of Asians and Jews in such programs. That is a consequence that must be accepted. Candidates must be judged as individuals and not as members of groups. Indeed, the superior black must take precedence over the inferior Asian or white, but not because he is black, but because he is superior.
Suppose you disagree. Then I argue as follows.
The state apparatus needed to bring about this 'equitization' or equalization of outcomes is vastly larger than the one permitted by our founding documents. The attempt to achieve it brings us closer and closer to an omni-invasive totalitarian police state. That would be worse than a situation in which natural hierarchies are respected.
In any case, natural hierarchies always have the last word. If the USA weakens itself by going 'woke,' it will become easy prey for its foreign enemies. Their dictators are salivating as we speak. Never forget that states are in the state of nature with respect to one another, and that nature is red in tooth and claw. A 'woke' military is a weak military.
The paradox should not be missed: the equalization project requires agencies of equalization vastly more powerful that the groups they seek to equalize. The upshot, then, is not equality of power and position but a situation of material inequality in which the governors oppress the governed.
Is CRT a theory? A commenter on my Facebook page correctly notes that
The advocates of the current re-education program are not presenting a theory but rather requiring their victims to signal their uncritical, obsequious acceptance of a canon of dogmas. Calling a dogma or set of dogmas a theory is a rhetorical ruse used to disguise their insidious indoctrination with the a veneer of real educational activity.
My commenter is right. CRT is not a theory to be discussed and tested but a set of dogmas to be imposed on children of all ages whose critical faculties are no match for the indoctrination.
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