No, you useful idiots, white supremacy is not the greatest threat we face: it is no threat at all since it doesn't exist. A real threat we face, and a very serious one, is posed by an EMP directed against our unprotected grid. HT to JSO for the following two videos.
How would a nuclear EMP affect the power grid?
How long would society last during a total grid collapse?
Addendum 4/12:
A reader refers us to Are Aircraft Carriers Unsinkable? and comments,
The whole article is hair-raising, but this jumped out at me:
About the same time that tensions were rising over Nancy Pelosi’s visit to Taiwan, reposts of a 2020 article by Major General Ed Thomas, the Commander of the Air Force’s Recruiting Service, began to pop up in the media. The headline? “Eighty-six percent of Air Force pilots are white men. Here’s why this needs to change.” Too many white men? Is that what our generals worry about? Like many other military top-brass, Major General Thomas seems to think that diversity wins wars. That’s why he put “improving diversity” on “the top of my to-do-list.”
What if, in the meritocracy the armed services are supposed to be, not enough nonwhites cut the mustard? Promote them anyway?
BV: This goes to the heart of the matter, namely the assault on merit in favor of 'diversity,' 'equity,' and 'inclusion' which in practice amount to governmentally enforced proportional representation, equality of outcome, and exclusion of 'racists' and 'white supremacists.' The destructive DEI agenda is predicated upon reality denial, in particular, the denial of the reality that we are not equal either as individuals or as groups in those empirically measurable respects that bear upon qualification for jobs and positions. The DEI agenda is dangerous and destructive because it allows the physically feeble and disabled, the mentally incompetent, the morally defective, and the factually ignorant and untrained to occupy high positions in government and industry. But 'allow' is too weak a word in this context; 'promote' is more to the point.
One reason this is dangerous is that our geopolitical adversaries do not subscribe to the destructive DEI ideology. While we self-enstupidate, they salivate.
How explain the popularity of DEI among the useful idiots? I suggest that it is due, at least in part, to the 'feel-good' nature of the DEI 'reforms.' They are found very appealing in this, the Age of Feeling.
How explain the popularity of DEI among the drivers of the demented doctrine? In the case of Major General Ed Thomas and his ilk it is probably sheer careerism. They go along not just to get along but to advance themselves career-wise, and the nation and the world be damned. It strains credulity to think that they actually believe the rubbish.
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