Originally posted 5 November 2012. Slightly redacted. Things are far worse now.
The Dems are the left-wing party in the U. S. Almost all Dems nowadays are leftists. It's not 1960 any more and you geezers out there with your sentimental attachment to the 'Democrat' label need to wise up.
1. Leftists lack common sense. As witness their lunatic stand on photo ID at polling places. I have written several posts on this topic. Here is one.
2. Leftists play the race card every chance they get. There is plenty of evidence in my Race and Leftism categories.
3. Leftists, also known as 'liberals,' are anti-liberty. As witness Obamacare's individual mandate, to give just one example.
4. Leftists have a casual attitude toward crime. See Britain and the Barbarians and other posts in the Crime and Punishment Category. They oppose capital punishment even though this is exactly what justice demands in certain cases. With their unhealthy and immoderate love of underdogs, leftists champion criminals while ignoring the concerns of decent citizens, even when the criminals are responsible for their 'sub-canine' status. Conservatives stand for the rights of the accused, due process, and equality before the law. Leftists distort and subvert these high principles.
5. Leftists smear their opponents and then issue hypocritical calls for 'civility.' What passes for argument among them is the hurling of SIXHRB epithets: sexist, intolerant, xenophobic, homophobic, racist, bigoted. (acronym via Dennis Prager) For example, if you oppose illegal immigration then you are a xenophobe; if you carefully argue against Obamacare then you a racist; if you give reasons why marriage is between a man a woman you are dismissed as a bigot. If you oppose the slaughter of innocent human beings which is abortion you are waging war against women and interfering with their 'health care' and 'reproductive rights.' If you point out the very real threat of radical Islam, then you are dismissed as an 'Islamophobe' with a mental illness. And then there are the inevitable Hitler comparisons and the repeatedly thrown F-bomb, 'fascist.' 'White supremacist' and 'white nationalist' are other terms of abuse hurled scurrilously and without definition.
6. Leftists are weak on national defense and naïve about foreign policy.
7. Leftists are fiscally irresponsible. Unlike his predecessor, Obama made no attempt to put the existing entitlements on a sound fiscal basis. Instead, he started up a new one!
8. Leftist are anti-religion.
9. Leftists have no proper appreciation for the Second Amendment.*
10. Liberals have no proper appreciation of the Tenth Amendment and the notion of federalism.
Addendum: Tony H. writes to say that I forgot one:
11. Liberals are economic illiterates.
True. Of course, I wasn't trying to give a complete list of reasons to oppose Obama and the whole leftist gang. There are a lot more reasons than ten. How about this one:
12. Liberals are linguistic hijackers. They routinely distort the English language for their ideological purposes. This is actually worse than lying. To lie successfully one must use language properly, in accordance with the going conventions. Misuse of language is a subversion of the rules of the communicative game. There are examples in my Language Matters category.
One particularly egregious example is the use of 'voter suppression' to refer to common-sense demands for proper ID procedures at polling places. This shows that the scumbags of the Left will do anything to win. "The end justifies the means." Right out of the commie playbook.
For even more reasons, see The Constructive Curmudgeon who has worked himself into a fine, and justified, lather over Obama's abominations.
*In 2012 one might still say that if leftists showed as much respect for the Second Amendment as they do for the First, gun ownership would be mandatory. But now in 2024 things are far worse, as I said at the top. John Kerry, Hillary Clinton and the rest of their scrofulous globalist-totalitarian ilk are gunning for the First Amendment too, as you must know if you have been paying attention.
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