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Tuesday, 17 May 2005


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I'm afriad that google is a more diligent scholar than I, with a more prodigious memory. It even remembers writings of yours that I've never seen before, like this scholarly piece where you claim that "a veritable abyss separates being and nonbeing."

I do not mind these uses of 'veritable' and I do not think that 'literal' and 'veritable' must stand or fall together. What the example of 'veritable' really shows, I think, is that not every linguistic change that abandons its roots is a degeneration. 'Veritable' is thriving in its new niche, while the strain on its old niche is minimal. For now, 'literally' is awkward and distracting in its new role, although perhaps over time it will settle in as well as 'veritable' has. 'Veritable' is sometimes the best way to stress that a metaphor is being used and that it's an apt one. Consider these two examples that google discovered for me:

1. Report calls Canadian border "a veritable sieve"

2. A veritable pharmacy of illegal substances was discovered in [his] residence

Today's challenge is to rephrase these examples to omit the word 'veritable'. If the results are as good as the originals, then I'll consider abandoning 'veritable'. Until then, I'll be admiring the image of a veritable pharmacy of illegal substances.

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